About the Journey…

If you’ve been to the About Renee page, you have a glimpse of my professional background. If you’ve landed here, then you’re about to get my story.

Blue Soul Media was born out of my work as a teacher, facilitator, and curator following three decades of consulting in business, marketing, and communications. I realized that when I didn’t align with a business or its products and services, it was because I didn’t gel with a company’s philosophy or ethics. It may seem like an obvious thing, but it’s astonishing how many times I’ve seen people jump into something, thinking it’s a healthy decision (perhaps justified by a short-term gain), only to end up in disaster later on.

Sometimes we have a hunch when something doesn’t sit right with us — some call it a feeling in their gut whereas others call it intuition. The truth is that everything is energy, including us. As human beings, we emanate who we are in every moment of the day — from the words we say and the clothes we wear, to the actions we take and the decisions we make.

My ultimate goal as a communications pro, was to make people and products shine. To elevate them above the noise. Show their light. Stand in their truth. You get the idea.

But if ethics, authenticity, and purpose were not part of the package, I didn’t take the gig. There were times when I walked away from new business because it wasn’t in sync with my ethics, my truth, and my purpose. This is alignment, or what we also refer to as resonance. Put another way: Are you in resonance with your work? Your relationships? Your daily schedule? The decisions your boss or client makes?

Working for something or someone you don’t believe in (or feel aligned to) depletes your energy and your spark. It’s easy to lose your way when you’re not grounded and committed to balance in all areas of your life. That commitment is a great starting point and one I made many years ago, which shifted how I did business and with whom.

My main goal over past decade has been to learn everything I could about expanded consciousness and as some refer to it, the human biofield.  There is quite a lot of compelling research about the biofield and the heart, from institutions such as HeartMath, IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences), CHI, and others, all pointing to evidence of an interconnected world. The latest in physics suggests the same thing, merely using different language to explain it.

This journey led to many roads, from studying ancient esoteric wisdom across cultures and teachings from modern mystics to best practices in conscious business, holistic living, psychology, and even quantum physics. As a right-brain creative strategist, it surprised me that I was so riveted by the world of quantum; the latest research in physics, biology and cosmology were tantalizing enough to keep me up until the wee hours of the morning. I couldn’t get enough of it. It also brought me to a better understanding of the positive effects of meditation, ayahuasca, psychedelics and mushroom journeys, yoga, forest bathing, reiki, sanskrit chants, and solitude time in nature, all as a way to still the mind, bring about expanded states of consciousness and clarity.

 “To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions.” — Deepak Chopra, MD 

I explored many pathways to help others get centered. I became certified as a reiki master and sound healer and was blown away by the impact of sound on the body and our emotional states to deal with life transitions, obstacles and trauma. I delved into the world of frequencies and vibrations and of course, energy. Energy as a field. Energy as us. Energy as every living thing. Energy as the universe itself. This powerful and innate realization that we are all interconnected seamlessly aligns with indigenous wisdom, but is a far cry from the party line of big pharma and the fast food industry.

After several years of teaching spiritual wisdom and its bridge to science with my partner, I felt called to marry its transformative and profound components with my background as a go-to market communications and branding strategist. Blue Soul Media was birthed as a result. And so, here we are.

About Us

The truth is that we can help you with nearly every aspect of marketing, branding and communications, because these are the skills I lived and breathed for thirty years, with experience in Fortune 500 corporations, mid-sized companies, and start-ups. (both B2B and B2C). I also ran my own marketing and PR consultancy: Magic Sauce Media. You can head on over there to discover what we’ve done for clients and certainly some of those best practices still apply when launching a product or service.

Here at Blue Soul Media, we offer many of those services but the main difference is this: we start with YOU, not your business, regardless of whether you’re a solo practitioner, part of a start-up or work in a large organization. Maybe you’re interested in changing industries or are a first time author. Perhaps you’re a small business owner, but need a branding face lift.

The way things have always been done in business is changing. Dramatically changing. People are beginning to notice that what once brought them joy no longer does. Relationships may start to fray. Why? Because the world is waking up, one soul at a time. Our collective consciousness as a global society is changing.

More than ever before, people are looking for deeper answers, digging for research and data not found in mainstream media, whether it happens to be how leaders respond to a war or information we’re receiving about how to take care of our health. Think of it as unplugging from the fear and mass consciousness grid and plugging into what you might call, the grid of interconnectedness.

Although the news certainly doesn’t help us feel like we’re living in a stable and hopeful world, people across the globe are challenging the status quo, which is giving others (including CEOs, leaders, and heads of countries) the courage to respond to situations in more meaningful and profound ways.

We’ll use some of our soul alignment techniques to explore what makes you feel alive. Truly alive. We ignite the spirit in you. If your life isn’t full of vitality and discovery, then you’re not in alignment with your life’s purpose, whether that’s how you show up in your personal life or the work that you do. Deepening your awareness is part of the work as is expanding your levels of consciousness. Don’t be afraid of it, for it opens up healthier ways of seeing your life and others in it. That expansion opens up new possibilities (and with it, opportunities) you may never have thought of before or considered.

What is yours on this planet to do? Do you really know and are you doing it fully? If you didn’t answer with a resounding yes, then let’s talk.

We help you tap into that noetic wisdom and expand your consciousness, which has a profound ripple effect on your relationships, your health and your work.

Expanded Services

Talk to us about your marketing, branding, social media, speaking and communications needs. From campaigns, social media, media training, speaker, and TEDx talk coaching to websites and online platforms, we can help.

Once you’re in alignment, the campaigns and strategies for your business will be that much more powerful because you’ll be in flow. Truly in flow. You’ll feel the difference when you wake up each day and so will your clients, customers, and business partners. We’ll be there to guide you and share some of our best practices and strategies across industries and from successful launches on six continents.

We also partner with others in branding, communications, messaging, positioning, and marketing to bring you the breadth and depth you need for maximum and sustainable success. We look forward to connecting when you’re ready to take the leap. Or at a minimum, reach out for a two-hour consulting strategy session to put things into motion.